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About MIIA

MIIA is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that is dedicated for people with invisible illnesses such as mental illnesses, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis and their caregivers as well.

MIIA aims to advocate for the rights of people with invisible illnesses, promote social inclusion and spread awareness of invisible illnesses to the public, thus reducing stigma, discrimination and social isolation.

MIIA committees are both from healthcare (doctors, psychologist, nurse, physiotherapists etc) and non-healthcare (lawyers, teachers etc) background to help serve people with invisible illnesses holistically.

For those who have or know someone who has any form of invisible illnesses, please refer them to MIIA.


To be the leading advocate for the rights and dignity of people with invisible illnesses


To champion for the rights of people with invisible illnesses

To spread awareness about invisible illnesses to the society

To create a supportive community for people with invisible illnesses and their carers

To educate society about the proper skills in providing support, early intervention and correct references for people with invisible illnesses.


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